Lunula Laser - Treatment for Fungal Nails

A revolutionary new treatment for Fungal Nails

Lunala Laser (Cold Laser)

Lunula Laser is a cold laser therapy for the toes that kills fungus in and under the toenail.  The laser light passes through the nail without causing damage to it or the surrounding skin.  This convenient, painless, in-clinic treatment treats the entire nail issue; clearing the nail plate, nail bed and matrix complex.  Treatment for Fungal Nails is normally repeated weekly and depending on the severity of the infection, 4-8 treatments may be necessary to cure the nail.

What is a Fungal Nail Infection?

Fungal nail infections occur when bacteria or fungi enter under a nail.  Toenails more commonly affected than fingernails, as your feet are usually confined to shoes, where they’re in a moist and warm environment where bacteria thrive.

  Infections can be transmitted easily so it is important to ensure foot hygiene at all times, especially if a member of your family has a fungal infection.

Over the counter products are not usually an effective or long term treatment option for Fungal Nails which is why we usually recommend to visit our clinic as soon as you notice any of the signs of Fungal Nails.

Signs of Fungal Nail

Usually include discolouration of the nail without trauma (eg not bruised)- Yellow, Brown or White.

The nail changing shape or form - lifting or curling.

The Nail chipping easily or thickening.

An odour coming from the nail.

Fungal Nail Treatment and Ingrown Toenails.

Fungal Nail conditions can cause Ingrown Toenails and vice versa.

Neither condition should ever be ignored as with no treatment the nail fungus and toenail pain can worsen and can cause further problems.



  • Fast, safe and effective treatment of Fungal Nail conditions
  • Treatment is done in clinic within minutes
  • Treatment is Painless
  • No risky side effects or healing time
  • Stops embarrassing and unsightly nails


What Can I Expect?


  • On your first appointment with our clinical podiatrist, we will carry out an initial assessment of the Fungal Nail Condition.  This will also include taking a detailed medical history and some baseline pictures.
  • We will then carry out a painless nail debridement before beginning your first Lunala Laser treatment.
  • After this intial treatment, subsequent visits to the Gold Coast Foot Clinic, will have our clinical podiatrist check the progress of the nail, and then perform another Lunala Laser treatment on the affected Fungal Nail.


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